Export 1 billion data rows from Google Search Console

Downloading large data packages from Google Search Console is no longer a problem. With Clusteric, you can export up to 1 million/billion rows from GSC, compiling them as you like.

This option is also useful for creating archives of data on keywords, views, positions or clicks level for a large number of websites.

Clusteric, thanks to the connection through the API, is able to export all data at once, for all domains you have available in Google Search Console.

Data can also be exported according to filters, on several levels.

How to export an unlimited number of rows from Google Search Console?

1. Open the “Search Console Importer” mode in Clusteric.
2. Authorize Google Search Console (by pasting the temporary code)
3. Select the site for exporting GSC data
4. Specify what data you want to download
5. Determine what time range the data should cover
6. If you want to download only a part, set row limits.

With a large amount of data, when you want to examine only a specific subpage or keyword, you can refine your query with a set of filters.

In practice, this gives unlimited data export volumes.

Changelog: 1.78.5,2019-07-16
Possibility to download up to 1M records in the Search Console connector.
CSV export added in the SC connector.

Export 1 million rows of data from Google Search Console

What is Google Search Console ?

Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google that helps you monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your site’s presence in Google Search results. You can use Search Console to submit and test your sitemaps, see how Googlebot is crawling your site, check for security issues, and more. Search Analytics in Search Console lets you see how often your site appears in Google search results, and which queries are driving traffic (and clicks) to your site.

How to typically export Google Search Console Data ?

The first step is to log into your Google Search Console account. Once you’re logged in, click on the “Search Analytics” tab on the left sidebar. This will take you to the Search Analytics page, where you can see all of your website’s search data.

At the top of the Search Analytics page, there is a bar with several options. Click on the “Export” option.

This will take you to the Export Data page, where you can select which data you would like to export from Google Search Console. You can export data from the dashboard, search analytics, or analytics data sources.

Once you’ve selected which data you would like to export, click on the “Export” button at the bottom of the page. This will start the export process and your data will be downloaded as a .csv file.

This kind of export is very limited and export only 1000 rows at once.

Export more than 1000 rows from Google Search Console

Exporting more than 1000 rows is always connected to API usage.

You can use Google Big Query, External API services or tools like Clusteric.

With Clusteric, GSC Export to CSV is easy and efficient.