In connection with the release of the new version of MacOS Catalina and changes related to the authorization of the application, we have introduced all updates required by Apple for notifying Clusteric on OS Catalina.
The contact data collection module has been extended with additional fields of telephone numbers and NIP / TAX field
For the harvester, we’ve added the option to limit the URLs collected below the first 100 results.
1.79, 30/10/2019,
Application notation on macOS.
Retaining anchor classification when adding new links to the project.
Extension of contact data collection by telephone numbers and NIP numbers.
An additional filter in the URL clipping tool.
Harvester – the ability to limit the number of URLs collected below the first 100 results.
1.79.5, 11/11/2019,
Adapting the program to changes in the structure of Google results.
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